
社会建构主义教学观及其对我国课程改革的启示 被引量:4

The View of Teaching and Learning from the Social Constructivist Perspectives and its Enlightenment to the National Curriculum Reform
摘要 社会建构主义教学观认为,个体获得知识不仅是个人建构的过程,也是内在的社会化过程,文化活动和语言活动等社会因素影响个体的学习。社会建构主义教学观有两种代表观点:皮亚杰的社会认知冲突理论和维果斯基的社会文化理论。社会建构主义从课堂教学、同伴间相互作用以及言语角度分析知识建构过程;在当代课程改革的实际应用方面,包括合作学习与交互式教学、情境性教学、跨学科学习、教育评估和教育改革。这种教学观在理论、实践和方法论上影响了未来的教育发展方向。 Social constructivist perspectives maintain that individual actively constructs interpretation on the basis of former experience, psychological structure and beliefs. Active, social factors such as culture and language activity all influence individual learning. Social constructivist perspectives on teaching and learning elaborate two point of views on learning-the socio-cognitive conflict theory of Piaget and the socio-cultural theory of Vgotsky. All these perspectives are discussed through schooling culture analyses, interpersonal analyses and discursive analyses in instructional conversation. The applications of this perspective include social interactions, situated learning, acquiring expertise across domains, assessment, educational equity, and educational reform. This view of teaching and learning will shape the future development in the aspect of theory, practice and methods.
出处 《广东教育学院学报》 2006年第2期72-76,共5页 Journal of Guangdong Education Institute
关键词 社会建构主义 教学 认知冲突 社会文化 社会性相互作用 课程改革 social constructivist teaching and learning the socio cognitive conflict theory the socio- cultural theory
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