Hepatitis E (HE) was investigated in 369 cases of viral hepatitis in 1992. The antibodies to hepatitis E virus (anti-HEV) in these patients sera were measured by ELISA. The positive rate was 16. 53% (61/369) and was correlated with age but not with seasons and sexes. The study confirmed that HEV can exist as superinfection or coinfection with HAV, HBV and HCV. The clinical symptom and course were long in patients with HBV overlapping. By comparing HE with HA, we found that: (1) HA occured in young or middle age and 48.3% patients' serum bilirubin (SB) returned to normal than alanine transaminases (ALT) did. (2) HE occured in adult especially in old age and ALT returned to normal earlier than SB did.
China Journal of Modern Medicine