The theory of Balance-of-Power h as always had an important position in modern theories of international relation s. However, since the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, it has been confronted with increasingly bigger challenges, among which the mos t serious one is the so-called “unipolar” in contemporary world. Balance of P ower and relevant propositions had been considered universal and applicable to a ny international systems. But the fact is, few theories could be universal, as some scope conditions must be satisfied in order to put a theory into practice. In this respect,Balance of Power is not an exception. And, as the theor y is developed on the power system in modern Europe, its most important scope co ndition is that the tendency of balance illustrated by European great powers in history is against those land-based military powers in the form of large army r ather than those global maritime powers based on trade, finance and navy.
Chinese Journal of European Studies