
荷兰禁毒政策的源起与流变——以“咖啡馆体制”为中心 被引量:9

Origin and Evolution of Dutch “Coffee Shop System”
摘要 荷兰禁毒政策以“公共卫生导向”为主要特征。荷兰把公共卫生视为国家政策制订和调整的出发点和归宿,从而形成了不同于以“司法惩治导向”为核心的“美国体制”的“荷兰体制”。而“咖啡馆体制”更被国际社会视为荷兰国家毒品政策的“国际象征”和“最为显著的特征”。这一独特政策的推行既有深层的思想根源,又与国家政治权力的“去中心化”相关联,同时还受到其他国家以“司法惩治”为核心的禁毒战略的效果不彰的反面影响。然而,荷兰的这一体制能否推广成为国际社会解决毒品问题的主流制度模式,还需要拭目以待。 The Dutch public-health-oriented anti-drug policy makes the so-called “Dutch system” evidently different from the punitive-criminal-justice-oriented “American system”. The “coffee shop system”, in particular, has been regarded as the “international symbol” and “the most distinctive feature” of Dutch national anti-drug policy. There are three factors that contributed to the making of this unique policy: the deep-rooted ideas, the decentralization of national political power and the ineffectiveness of punitive-criminal-justice-oriented international anti-drug strategy. As to whether the Dutch system could become an institutional model to deal with international drug problems, we still need to wait and see.
作者 张勇安
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第2期119-134,共16页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
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