he morphology and anatomy of the vegetative and reproductive orgshe of polygonumviviparum were preliminariely investigated, The anatomical characteristics Of its vegetative organs are the same as thOSe of general dicotyls. There are three kinds of spikes on the plant. Ofthose spikes, some only have bubils, some have both bulbils on their lOwer part and flowers ontheir upper part, and the others have buibils on whole spike axes and flowers SCattering ̄thebulbils on middle-upper part of the axes. There are two irces Of flowers, some with longer Pedicel and some with shorter excel.The embryo sac in longer-Pedicel flowers are well developedwith a developing embed inside but one in shorter-pedicel flowers are still at the early stabs ofdevelopment. But the architecture of these two kinds of flowers are the same, such as 3 or 4 stylesand 3 or 4-cabal syncarpous gynbecitnn, Perianth dividing deep into 5,and one-cell ovaria withbasilar orthotropouS ovule belonging to typical POlygonum type etc. TheSe characters are of greatsignificance in plant phylogeny and taxaonomy. Besides, the POllen formation can be seen in futureanthers as well. The fully develOPed embryo sac, the zygote developing and the pollen formationsuggest that the sexual reproduction can proceed in POlygon urn viviporum. Meanwhile, the Observation showed that the bulbil consists of two halves, a colored, enlarged lower Part containingstored nutrient substances, and an upper part containing fully differentiated leaves and leafsheaths. It indicates that the bulbil is a vegetative orgsn. Finally, observations also showed thatsometimes there are two nowers being connected at the base of pedicel in a bract and sometimesthere are a bulbil and a longer-Pedical nowers being connected at the base in a bract. on the basisof this observation, we think that the development of bulbil of P. viviporum might bas relation tothe shorter pedicel flower.
Journal of Qinghai Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
polygounm viviparum, vegetative organs, reproductive organs, morphological and anatomical characteristics