将朗奇检验的物理原理与同步位相探测技术结合,求出对应于大量值波差或非球面波差函数的一阶导数(?)W/(?)x,(?)W/(?)y,利用 Zernike 多项式进行拟合,拟合系数分别为 B(k),C(k),再对波差函数用 Zernilke 多项式拟合,拟合系数为 A(k),求出 A(k)与 B(k),C(k)之间的关系式,从而得到拟合系数 A(k),获得波差的三维分布图.文中还对其拟合精度进行了分析讨论.
This paper combines the physical theory of Ronchi test with synchronous phase detection method,derives the first-order derivative of a large wavefront aberration or an aspheric wavefrout( W/ x, W/ y).It also derives the fitting coefficient B(k)and C(k) with Zernike polynomial fitting.Wavefront aberration function is fitted with Zernike polynomial,its fitting coefficient is A(k).With the relational expression for A(k),B(k) and C(k),the fitting coefficient A(k) and three-dimensional distribution of wavefront aberration are obtained.Its fitting accaracy is analysed.