
泌尿生殖道支原体检测结果及药敏分析 被引量:1

Detection and Sensitive Test Analysis of Mycoplasama of Urinary and Reproductive System
摘要 目的:探讨泌尿生殖道支原体感染状况及药敏特性,指导临床合理用药。方法:采用支原体鉴定及药敏试剂盒进行支原体的培养、鉴定及抗生素的药物敏感性试验。结果:394例标本中培养出支原体146例,占37.05%;解脲支原体(Uu)检出109例,阳性率27.66%,人型支原体(Mh)检出7例,阳性率1.78%,Uu+Mh混合检出30例,阳性率7.61%。药敏结果显示美满霉素、强力霉素、司巴沙星、交沙霉素最为敏感;克林霉素耐药率最高,其次为氧氟沙星和阿齐霉素。结论:对泌尿生殖道支原体感染进行检测及药敏试验,可为临床提供治疗的依据。 Objective: To analyze the status Quo of the mycoplasama infection and drug sensitivity and reasonable administration of therapeutic drug. Method: cultural method and sensitive test were used. Result: Samples from 394 patients were collected and tested. The positive cases were 146 ,and the positive rate was 37.05% ; Among them, 109 Uu (positive rate :27.66% ) ,7 Mh (positive rate: 1.78 % ), 30 Uu + Mh ( positive rate : 7.61% ). The sensitive drugs were Minoccycline, deoxycyline, josamycin and sparfloxacin. The rate of resistant antibiotics from high to low as follows : clindamycin, ofloxacinv and azithromycin. Conclusion: To patients of mycoplas- ma infection, the singnificance of susceptibility detection is provides important evidences for the clinical application of the antibiotics.
出处 《中国药师》 CAS 2006年第5期451-452,共2页 China Pharmacist
关键词 泌尿生殖道 支原体 感染 药敏试验 urinary and reproductive system mycoplasama infection sensitivity test
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