

摘要 针对无人直升机可重配分布式控制对软件平台的要求,借鉴操作系统与应用软件之间的中间件技术,利用实时CORBA的ORB技术、虚拟资源网和实时事件服务机制构建无人直升机分布式控制系统软件平台。虚拟资源网可使控制组件网络化,每个组件有唯一地址,网络中的其它资源不需要知道它的确切位置,只根据网络资源名就可以访问它。实时事件服务可使各控制组件快速、有效地通信,并且使组件设计时结构解耦,事件通道在事件提供者和事件消费者之间建立中介,有利于系统硬件的改进及软件组件的重配。应用仿真实例说明这种软件平台能有效、方便、快捷地实现分布式控制系统。 To meet the requirements of software platform for unmanned helicopter reconfigurable, distributed control system in this paper, we introduce middleware technology that lies between operating system and application software. The software platform to unmanned helicopter control system is developed by means of using ORB technology of real-time CORBA, Virtual Resource Network (VRN) and real-time event service mechanism. VRN considers control components as resource, each component has unique address, and other resources access it only through its network source name and need not know where it lies exactly. Real-time event service implements communication between components rapidly and effectively and component is designed with its architecture decoupled. Event channel acts as a mediator between event suppliers and consumers, which decouples components and eases the evolution of hardware and reconfiguration of software components. The simulation demonstrates that this software platform is able to implement the distributed control effectively, easily and rapidly.
出处 《计算机应用与软件》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期15-18,共4页 Computer Applications and Software
基金 武器装备预研基金项目(51463030ZS5204)。
关键词 开放控制平台 分布式控制 中间件 实时事件服务 事件通道 Open control platform Distributed control Middleware Real-time event service Event channel
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  • 2Linda Wills,Suresh Kannan,Sam Sander,Murat Guler,Bonnie Heck,J.V.R Prasad,Daniel P.Schrage,and George Vachtsevanos.An Open Platform for Reconfigurable Control.In Tariq Samad and Gary J.Balas,editors,Software-Enabled Control:Information Technology for Dynamical Systems.IEEE Press,2001.
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