[目的]探讨透明质酸钠(sod ium hyaluronate,SH)关节腔内注射治疗膝骨性关节炎(OA)的效果。[方法]24只兔子建立骨关节炎动物模型,随机分OA组、SH组、对照组,观察3组软骨、滑膜细胞病理切片及软骨MMP-1免疫组化,进行软骨M ank in s评分,以及检测血液和关节液的IL-1含量的效果。[结果]SH组可见软骨破坏减轻,滑膜纤维增生减少,M ank in s评分有明显改善(P<0.05);血、膝关节滑液IL-1浓度降低(P<0.05),但关节软骨中MMP表达仍然活跃。[结论]SH能减少滑液中炎性介质IL-1的分泌,从而减轻滑膜炎症,缓解对软骨细胞的破坏,延缓OA进展,但仍阻止不了OA进展。
[ Objective ] To observe the effects of intraartieular sodium hyaluronate injection on treatment of rabbit Osteoarthritis (OA) . [ Method] Twenty-four male rabbits were randomly divided into SH group, OA group and control group after established the model of OA, SH group, and control group were received intraarticular SH and physiologic injection one time a week at the same time respectively. The histological examinations of cartilage and synovia, immunohistochemistry of MMP-1 for cartilage, Mankin' s scale were performed. The levels of IL-I of the serum and synovial fluid were determined by ELISE. [ Resuit] In the SH group showed the degeneration of the cartilage and fiber hyperplasia of synovia were light ened in the histological observation and the level of interleukin - 1 ( IL-1 ) of the serum and synovial fluid were also decrease ( P 〈0. 05 ). The Mankin ' s scale of the control group was significantly decreased (P 〈0. 05). The expression of MMP-I of SH group was active. [ Con- clusion] SH can relieve inflammation of synovia and reduce the secretion of IL-1 in synovial fluid and serum. So it can lighten the degeneration of the cartilage and alleviate the pathology of OA, but it can not prevent the process of OA.
Orthopedic Journal of China