
健将级女子铁饼运动员最后用力阶段肩关节运动损伤的生物力学分析 被引量:3

Biomechanical analysis on movement injury of the shoulder joint in excellent female discus athletes in the last exertion
摘要 目的:采用问卷调查法和三维运动生物力学分析法,分析国家健将级优秀女子铁饼运动员最后用力阶段肩关节运动损伤原因。方法:2004-06月发放调查问卷14份,调查14名国家健将级优秀女子铁饼运动员肩关节损伤构成比。2005-03采用近景动态立体摄影的测量方法,用两台有电子快门的进口松下摄像机,对运动员现场比赛、训练进行定点拍摄,拍摄频率为50Hz。再采用爱捷运动录像快速反馈分析系统,进行图像采样和数据计算,获取生物力学指标,重点分析最后用力阶段的生物力学特点,包括左脚着地瞬间至铁饼出手瞬间肩髋角、拉引角、肩轴角、左肩速、右肩速等指标。结果:①14份问卷全部收回,有效率100%。通过对问卷的分析,发现14名女子铁饼运动员肩关节损伤的构成比最高的是肱二头肌长头肌肌腱损伤,为(34±3)%;其次是肩袖损伤,为(23±1)%;肩锁关节扭伤及脱位为(14±1)%;三角肌拉伤为(5±1)%;脱位与半脱位穴盂肱关节雪为(3±1)%;其他损伤占(18±1)%。②最后用力阶段的生物力学指标:左脚着地瞬间肩髋角度58°、拉引角度136°、肩轴角度19°、左肩速度3.49m/s、右肩速度1.89m/s,铁饼最低点瞬间肩髋角度27°、拉引角度148°、肩轴角度82°、左肩速度3.18m/s、右肩速度3.78m/s,铁饼出手瞬间肩髋角度-4°、拉引角度165°、肩轴角度-11°、左肩速度2.72m/s、右肩速度3.98m/s。结论:最后用力阶段,拉引角达到最小值,胸部肌群预先拉长到最大程度,可能是发生肩关节三角肌拉伤的重要因素;右肩速的大幅度上升,可能是发生肩袖损伤的重要因素。 AIM: To analyze reasons of movement injury in shoulder joint of excellent female discus athletes in the last exertion with questionnaires and three diamensions (3D) analysis of biomeehanies of sports. METHODS: A total of 14 questionnaires were sent out in June 2004 to investigate the constituent ratio of movement injury in shoulder joint of 14 national excellent female athletes. In march 2005, biomeehanieal indexes were acquired by shooting the competition and training of atheltes at the frequency of 50 Hz, graphs were sampled and data were calculated with Aijie analystieal system for quick feedback of sports video. Analysis focused on the biomeehanieal characteristics in the last exertion including indexes from the touchdown moment of left foot to the moment of discus out of the hand such as shoulder and hip angle, pulling angle, shoulder and axon angle, speed of left shoulder and speed of right shoulder and etc. RESULTS: ①A total of 14 questionnaires were taken back with the efficient rate of 100%. It was found through analysis of questionaires that the highest constituent ratio of injury in shoulder joint of female discus athletes was that of the tendon injury in caput longum musculi bicipitis brachii, which was (34±3)%; The second was ratator cuff injury, which was (23±1)%; That of aeromioclavieular sprain and deartieulation was (14±1)%; That of sprain in deltoid muscle was (5±1)%; That of deartieulation and semiluxation was (3±1)% and that of others was (18±1)%.②Biomeehanieal indexes in the last exertion: In the touchdown moment of left foot, shoulder and hip angle was 58°, pullling angle was 136°, shoulder and axon angle was 19°, speed of left shoulder was 3.49 m/s , speed of right shoulder Was 1.89 m/s. when discus was in the lowest point, shoulder and hip angle was 27°, pulling angle was 148°, shoulder and axon angle was 82°, speed of left shoulder was 3.18 m/s, speed of right was 3.78 m/s. In the instant of discus out of hand, shoulder and hip angle was -4°, pulling angle was 165°, shoulder and axon angle was -11°, speed of left shoulder was 2.72 m/s, speed of right shoulder was 3.98 m/s. CONCLUSION: In the last exertion, pulling angle is the minimum, muscle group of breast is firstly pulled to the largest, which may be an important factor of injury in deltoid muscle of shoulder joint; The speed of right shoulder increases greatly,which may be the important factor of ratator cuff injury.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第20期40-42,共3页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
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