To investigate the diagnostic value of 2DE (two - dimensional echocardiography), which was used to examine 200 patients who were diagnosed as CHD(coronary heart disease), and the conjecturing accuracy for the related stenotic Artery, against CAG(coronary angiography). Materials and Methods: 200 cases of patients , who were clinically diagnosed as CHD, were examined with both 2DE and CAG at the same period respectively (2DE followed by CAG) . With CAG as a standard, the positive rate of the two methods was comparatively analyzed and the accuracy of the conjecturing, according to the abnormal segmentation of ventricle wall motion , was statistically analyzed. Results: With the same group of patients, in the comparison of the number of stenotic arteries found, both methods indicated P〉0.05, there were no significant differences between the two methods in judging all of the LAD, LCX and multiple branches of arteries. With CAG as a standard, the specificity of 2DE conjecturing the CHD related stenotic Artery was comparatively high, the sensitivity was comparatively low and the Youden' s index was 〈0.5. When one of the coronary arteries stenosed ≥90% or severely stenosis, the conjecturing accuracy of CHD was improved obviously. It had the sensitivity of 〉 70% in judging all of the LAD, LCX and RCA, specificity 〉 85%, Youden' s index 〉 0.6. Conclusion: The statistical analysis of this group data shows that the conjecturing accuracy for the related stenotic Artery by 2DE is comparatively high when the coronary arteries stenosed ≥90% or severely stenosis. The accuracy is not so high when the arteries stenosed 〈 90%. Indication: 2DE is a method of convenience, noninvasive and practical implementation assisting CAG. The value is very high for evaluating the severe extent of CHD.
Chinese Computed Medical Imaging
Two dimensional echocardiography Coronary angiography Coronary heart disease