
脉冲无线通信信道特性与建模研究进展 被引量:7

Progress in Pulse-Based Wireless Communications Channels Characteristics and Modeling
摘要 对脉冲无线通信传播信道的研究现状进行综述。在介绍超宽带无线通信技术和脉冲无线通信技术的背景之后,分析了描述脉冲无线信道特性的常用参数。分别对脉冲信道的成簇现象和成簇特性,多径分量的幅度统计特性,信道参数的频率依赖特性,以及脉冲信号波形在无线信道传播过程中的失真等问题的研究内容及其最新进展进行详细介绍。针对脉冲无线信道的传播特点,介绍了与信道建模有关的主要方法,同时还详细介绍了脉冲无线信道路径损耗模型和多径传播模型的研究现状和一些主要研究成果。最后对脉冲无线信道建模研究进行展望,指出一些值得关注的研究内容。 A Survey of pulse-based wireless communications propagation channels are presented in the current research. After introducing the background of Uhra-wideband (UWB) and pulse-based wireless communication techniques, the general parameters involved in pulse-based wireless channels are described. Then the paper demonstrates the clustering phenomenon and the characteristics of clusters, the statistical properties of amplitudes of multipath components, the frequency dependence of the channel parameters, and the distortion of pulse signals during their propagations in pulse channels in detail. The main methods of channel modeling are discussed according to the propagation properties of pulse channels, whose current statue of path loss models and multipath propagation models are presented in detail. Finally the progress in modeling pulse-based wireless channels in the future, and some valuable contents for researchers are pointed out.
出处 《南京邮电大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI 2006年第2期1-11,共11页 Journal of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(60432040) 国家自然科学基金(60572024) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-04-0519) 教育部博士点基金(200509230031)资助项目
关键词 无线通信 超宽带 脉冲无线通信 冲激无线电 信道模型 多径信道 路径损耗 Wireless communications UWB Pulse-based wireless communications Impulse radio Channel model Muhipath channel Path loss
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