
量子博弈与博弈的量子化 被引量:2

Quantum Games and Game's Quantization
摘要 经典博弈的量子化是整个量子博弈研究的起点,具有十分重要的意义。本文从介绍E isert的囚徒量子模型和M&W的性别量子博弈入手,借鉴其他学者的评价与改进意见,提出量子化的一些基本思路和框架,为进一步的研究工作提供指导。 Quantization of the classical games is very important, as it's the start point in the research work in quantum theory. This paper begin with introduction of the Quantum Prisoners' Game by Eisert and the Quantum Sex Game by M&W, then with the reference of some opions and ameliorations by some scholars, we put forward some basic ideas and try to establish a basic structure to the problem, which will set a guidance for further study.
作者 王烜
出处 《系统工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期117-121,共5页 Systems Engineering
关键词 量子博弈 量子化 纠缠 Quantum Games Quantization Entanglement
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