

Progress on nephrin and diabetic nephropathy
摘要 nephrin是新近发现的肾小球裂隙隔膜上的一个蛋白质,参与肾小球滤过屏障的形成并维持其正常功能。糖尿病肾病(DN)患者存在nephrin及其受体表达下降。nephrin蛋白表达下降可使肾小球足细胞减少,肾脏裂隙隔膜结构与屏障功能的完整性破坏,肾小球蛋白滤过加重。nephrin在DN的发生、发展中起关键作用,深入研究nephrin可能对DN的诊断和治疗有重要的指导意义。 Nephrin, a product of the NPHS1 gene, is a component of the slit diaphragms that are found between glomerular foot processes and is a crucial element for glomerular filtration barrier. The expression of nephrin in the kidneys of type 2 diabetics with diabetic nephropathy (DN) was decreased. The low expression of nephrin mRNA, which can cause renal glomerulus podocyte reduction, destroy the integrality of structure and function of the slit diaphragms and increase glomerular filtration, may be closely linked to development and/or progression of proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis in human diabetic nephropathy. Hence, further study on nephin will be a significant guide to the diagnosis and treatment of DN.
作者 张雅慧 焦波
机构地区 山东大学药学院
出处 《食品与药品》 CAS 2006年第05A期27-30,共4页 Food and Drug
关键词 糖尿病肾病 蛋白尿 NEPHRIN diabetic nephropathy proteinuria nephrin
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