To control the premature-combustion, shape, diameter and height of the FAE clouds under the new FAE bomb, T-type charge with different diameters made of the two kinds of explosive is designed. The two kinds of explosive are charged in interval and there is the inert material in the remainder space between them. The designed and chosen factors of the radius, height, detonating velocity, density and the ratio of burster and fuel are given on the two kinds of explosive in accordance with its aim and function. The propagating condition of the big eharge's detonating wave is theoretically derived in the precondition of the big charge is ignited by the planar detonating wave of the small charge. The static detonation test is carried out bya new bomb of Φ330mm×430mm with the macroscopical solid fuel. The processes that the fuel dispersed and the FAE clouds detonated are recorded by a KODAK EKTAPRO EM motion analyzer. The diameter, height and volume of the FAE clouds are analyzed. The results demonstrate that T-type charge of burster controls the shape, diameter, height and the volume of the FAE clouds efficaciously, and restrains the premature-combustion specially.
Chinese Journal of Explosives & Propellants