
减法运算的功能MRI研究 被引量:1

The functional MRI of subtraction calculation task
摘要 目的用功能MRI探讨减法运算时人脑的活动情况。方法对18例正常年轻受试者进行退位及不退位减法任务的功能MRI扫描,采用SPM2软件进行数据分析和脑功能区定位。结果减法计算时主要可见额前区、顶叶、小脑及枕叶的激活,与三重编码模型大致相似;退位减法时激活的面积明显增大。结论前额区及顶叶是计算减法的主要活动部位,随着计算难度的增加,需要更多的脑功能区参与。 Objective To explore the activation patterns of brain in subtraction calculation with functional MRI.Method Fun'ctional MR images were acquired in 18 healthy young subjects when they received calculation experiment with or without abdication subtraction. SPM2 soft ware was used to process data and localize functional areas of brain. Results Prefrontal cortex, parietal lobe, cerebellum and occipital lobe were activated during subtraction calculation task. The results were almost consistent with the triple code model. The activated area was larger in subtraction calculation task with abdication than that without abdication one. Conclusion Prefrontal cortex and parietal lobe are dominating areas in subtraction calculation task. More functional region will be recruited with the increase of difficulty.
出处 《现代医学》 2006年第1期18-21,共4页 Modern Medical Journal
关键词 功能磁共振 数学运算 大脑皮层 减法运算 functional MRI calculation cortex
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