
大型循环流化床锅炉的结构布置与试验研究 被引量:14

Structural Layout of Large Circulating Fluidized Bed Boilers and Study Tests Performed
摘要 现有的锅炉布置形式在循环流化床(CFB)大型化过程中受到多方面的限制。目前,大型(CFB)锅炉以炉膛为中心、周边布置分离器的结构布置方案,在锅炉容量进一步增大时极易造成布风不均及众多分离器布置困难的问题。因而提出了一种以分离器为中心的模块化布置方案,并在一个冷态试验台上进行了系统的试验研究。初步试验结果表明:这种特殊结构布置的CFB锅炉不仅能够正常运行,而且确实具有若干传统CFB结构不具备的优点。 With increasing capacity of circulating fluidized bed boilers, Current large circulating fiuidized bed boilers have the furnace arranged at the center, surrounded by a number of seprators. With further increase of capacity, feeding air distribution may get uneven and the arrangement of the necessary number of separators may get difficult. A modulized layout with the separator arranged in the center is here being proposed and some systematic experimental research have already been conduted. Preliminary results indicate that CFB boilers of such an unconventional arrangement will not only be able to operate normally, but in addition, pposses some advantages, which the traditional CFB construction does not have.
出处 《动力工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期49-53,115,共6页 Power Engineering
关键词 动力机械工程 循环流化床锅炉 大型化 布置方式 试验研究 power machinery engineering circulating fluidized bed boiler enlargement layout experimental research
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