目的了解大理州艾滋病流行现状和趋势。方法对2004年大理州艾滋病病毒血清学监测资料进行分析。结果 2004年大理州共监测各类高危和重点人群13961人,检出艾滋病病毒感染者1222例。孕产妇哨点检出率为0.62%,吸毒哨点检出率为11.65%,性病门诊哨点检出率为0.68%。感染者中经血途径感染占77.09%、经性途径感染占18.49%、经母婴途径感染占1.15%、不详占3.27%。检出感染者以青壮年为主,占85.92%,职业以农民、待业主,分别占 44.76%和36.99%。结论近年大理州艾滋病的传播速度明显加快,主要经血液传播为主,经性途径感染的比例逐年上升,全州十二个县市在暗娼中发现有 HIV 感染,孕产妇 HIV 感染在增加,大理州艾滋病病毒感染疫情不容乐观。
Objective The present study was designed to understand the status quo and trend of AIDS epidemic in Dali prefecture. Methods The data from AIDS/HIV serological surveillance in Dali prefecture in 2004 were analyzed. Results Serological surveillance was done on 13 961 high-risk population in Dali in 2004, of whom 1222 cases were found to be infected with AIDS/ HIV. The HIV positive detection rate was 0.62% at the sentinel sites for pregnant women, 11.65% at the sentinel sites for drug abusers and 0.68% at the sentinel sites of STD clinics. 77.09% of the victims were infected through blood transmission, 18.49% through sexual transmission and 1.15% through mother-to-baby transmission, with the transmission route unknown in 3.27% of the infected. Young adults accounted for 85.92% of all the infected, with peasants and the unemployed predominantly involved in terms of occupation, constituting 44.76% and 36.99% respectively. Conclusion In recent years, AIDS spreading has become wider and wider in Dali Prefecture, with blood transmission as a predominant route and sexual transmission increasing year by year. HIV infection is found among unlicensed prostitutes in 12 counties/cities of the prefecture. HIV infection is increasing among pregnant women. The epidemic situation of HIV infection in Dali Prefecture must be taken seriously.
Disease Surveillance
acquired immure deficiency syndrome
epidemic situation