在Jane Austen的小说《爱玛》中,贝茨小姐是个话匣子,她在与他人对话中不停地从一个话题扯到另一个话题,并不断地把自己的话语角色从“说话者”转换成“传递者”“代言者”或“传声筒”,并经常把言语接受者的话语角色从“受话者”转换成“观众”或“旁听者”。贝茨小姐言语中的话语角色转换是贝茨小姐用来保护面子的礼貌策略,也是Austen用来塑造人物、叙述故事和营造喜剧气氛的写作技巧。
Miss Bates is a great talker in Jane Austen' s novel Emma .In her utterances she often switches her discourse role from speaker to reporter, spokesperson or mouthpiece, and her utterance receiver' s from addressee to audience or bystander. The author argues that discourse role switching is employed by Miss Bates as a politeness strategy to save her face and meanwhile serves as a writing technique to create the character, narrate the story and enhance comedic effects.