目的 调查长沙市女性压力性尿失禁的患病率及相关发病因素。方法 随机抽取2004年10月~2005年5月因非尿失禁因素就诊于我院妇科门诊年满18岁的妇女进行问卷调查。结果 发放问卷5000份,回收5000份,回收率100%.结果显示,压力性尿失禁患病率35.83%,与年龄成正相关。结论 压力性尿失禁是妇女的常见病,随年龄增加患病率增加,且妊娠及分娩次数多、阴道难产、会阴裂伤、急产、产后过早劳动、末次分娩年龄≥30岁、吸烟饮酒及合并有心血管疾病、支气管炎、糖尿病、尿路感染、生殖器肿瘤、子宫脱垂等都是发病的相关因素。而激素替代治疗可以减少发病。
Objective To investigate the female morbid stress urinary irretention incidences in Changsha City and the pathogenesis risk factors. Method Outpatients of department of gynecology aged over 18 years old were enrolled by using designed questionnaires from Oct 2004 through May 2005. Results Send out 5.000 questionnaires and reclaim 5,000, and 4,933 shares are valid. The total incidence of stress urine i rretention was 35.83 %, which was positively correlated with age. Conclusions Stress urine irretention is common in women over the age of 30, frequency of pregnancies and deliveries, vagina dystccia, perineum avulsion, urgent labor, premature labor after deliver, smoking and drinking; co-morbidities including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, urinary infections, genitalia tumor, and uterus prolapse are more likely prone to stress urine irretention. On the contrary, administration of estrogen may reduce the incidence.
Practical Preventive Medicine