
广西喀斯特峰丛洼地山区竹产业现状与可持续发展措施 被引量:5

The Present Situation of Bamboo Industry and Its Sustainable Development in Karst Peak-depression Mountainous Area of Guangxi Province
摘要 大化县峰丛洼地山区石多土少平整耕地少,无林山地多,水土流失严重,生态环境恶劣,竹子仅有7属13种,竹林面积340 hm2,其中吊丝竹(D end roca lam us m inor)占66.7%。竹林分散,管理水平差异大,生长量较低,竹材加工技术落后,竹林利用率低,经济效益不高,竹产业发展缓慢。据调查,该区域宜竹面积达到4.92万hm2,适宜发展的竹子资源十分丰富,广西林科院研究出的石山竹林培育技术先进实用,推广应用后竹林产量增幅大,因此石山区竹产业的开发具有很大潜力,应促使山区群众改变观念,重视竹业,选择良种,合理栽培,提高笋、材产量和竹林利用率,充分发挥竹林经济效益,同时加大交通和通讯基础建设,拓宽竹产业市场,确保山区竹产业可持续发展。 Karst Peak-Depression Mountainous Area of Dahua County, Guangxi Province, is rich in stone but pressed for soil. Water and soil loss is rock-ribbed and ecological environment is atrocious. There are only 7 genera and 13 species of bamboo. Bamboo groves cover an area of 340 hm^2, of which, Dendrocalamus minor accounting for 66.7%. Bamboo groves spread around. Management level and processing techniques lag behind. Utilization rate of the bamboo resources is low. Economic benefit is low too. Generally, bamboo industry develops slowly. According to our investigation, 49200hm^2 land is suitable for bamboo plantation in this area. There are a number of bamboo species can acclimate to there. The bamboo grove cultivating technique for stone mountains, which is excogitated by Guangxi Academy of Forestry, is advanced and practical. Its popularization and application can greatly increase the output of the bamboo groves. In order to ensure the sustainable development of the bamboo industry, the potential economic benefits of the bamboo groves should be developed to the full. The sense of local people should be promoted to think highly of the bamboo industry, to cultivate bamboo groves rationally, to increase the output of bamboo shoots and timbers and to improve the utilization rate of bamboo groves. Meanwhile, great efforts should be paid to the construction of infrastructures, such as traffic and communication. The market of bamboo industry should be broadened.
出处 《竹子研究汇刊》 2006年第1期43-48,共6页 Journal of Bamboo Research
关键词 喀斯特 峰丛洼地 竹子 Karst Peak-depression area Bamboo
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