
编队飞行航天器的测量通信一体化系统——射频收发器 被引量:4

RF Transceiver: An Integrated Sensing and Telecommunications System for Formation Flight Spacecraft
摘要 航天编队飞行必须测定队列的相对位置、姿态和时间,还必须有适当手段在航天器间交换工程数据和科学实验数据.研究和开发射频收发器对于我国发展航天编队飞行技术有特别的紧迫性和现实的意义.本文介绍并分析了国外在研的射频收发器研发情况,提出以实现星上测量、通信、制导、导航和控制一体化为最终目标,逐步、有层次、分阶段地开发射频收发器技术的系列思考和建议。 For spacecraft formation flight, the absolute and relative positions, attitudes, and time of the spacecraft must be determined, and an appropriate inter-spacecraft communication means must be used to communicate engineering and science data. The research and development of an RF-based transceiver is urgent and is of special significance to development of formation flight technology in China. Following a review of RF-based transceivers under development in foreign countries, this paper discusses and proposes step-by-step and concerted development of an integrated on-board sensing, telecommunications, guidance, navigation and control system.
作者 罗续成
出处 《飞行器测控学报》 2006年第2期1-8,共8页 Journal of Spacecraft TT&C Technology
关键词 射频收发器 测量系统 星间通信系统 航天编队飞行 Radio Frequency Transceiver Instrumenting System Inter-satellite Communication System Spacecraft Formation Flight
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