我国自主研制了8艘浮式生产储油装置(FPSO)。依托这8艘FPSO,成功开发了10个海上油田,其中7个为年产油100×104m3以上的油田。在FPSO研制过程中,共申请了12项专利,制定了多项技术标准。FPSO的研制促进了相关学科的发展与人才培养,FPSO已成为海洋石油开发的战略性技术。目前中国海油3 900多万吨油当量的年产量中,75%的产能依靠FPSO支持。在研制FPSO过程中,已掌握了FPSO设计、建造的许多关键技术,并取得了多单元复杂系统总体优化设计技术、大型浮体浅水效应技术**、抗冰设计方法和抗强台风永久性系泊系统设计技术等4项核心技术的重大突破。这些关键技术与核心技术的掌握和突破,以及它们的成功应用,使FPSO在我国海洋石油工业发展进程中起到了关键作用。我国已成为世界上使用FPSO最多的国家之一,也是设计与建造FPSO最多的国家之一。我国的FPSO总体技术已达到当今国际先进水平。
There are eight floating production, storage and offloading systems (FPSO) researched and developed in China. Ten offshore oilfields have been developed successfully with these FPSO systems, including seven offshore oilfields with annual oil production of more than a million cubic meters. FPSO technology, represented by twelve patents, well established technical standards, and a group of seasoned FPSO technical personnel, is playing a strategic role for CNOOC's offshore oilfield development. At present, 75% of the CNOOC's annual oil equivalent of 39 millions cubic meters flows through FPSO's. As a result of the above mentioned research and development work,we have a good grasp of the key technology associated with FPSO's design and construction, and have made innovations in the following four core areas:①the integrated system design and optimization for FPSO; ②shallow water effect for large floating body;③ice-resisting design methodology for FPSO hull and SPM; ④design methodology of permanent mooring system and FPSO hull in tyr phoon infested area. Due to the successful application of these technologies, FPSO is playing a key role in the development of China's offshore oil and gas fields. China has become one of those countries which design, construct and use FPSO most widely for offshore oil field development. FPSO integral technology of China has reached the advanced technology level in the world.
China Offshore Oil and Gas
research and developmentintegral technology
advanced technology in the world