Unwaveringly following its strategy of“increasingresources, expanding market, cutting cost and raisingefficiency and increasing returns', Sinopec spent RMB 318.9 billion investing in, or acquiring, related businesses inoilfields, oil refineries, petrochemicals, and its marketing,achieving an amazing annual average rate of return oncapital of 10% and IRR of 13% during the 10th Five-YearPlan period. The returns on investment in these differentbusiness segments vary in the following ways: the marketingsegment features low risk and input and high return andoutput; the oilfield high risk, return, input and output; andthe oil refinery and petrochemicals segments require highinput but represent low risk, output and return. Sinopeccontinued improving its business structure and consolidatingits overall strength. Despite these positive signs ofdevelopment, the new investment by Sinopec in these fieldsis likely to expose the company to big risks, blunt itscompetitive edge, or fail to deliver a high rate of return asexpected. For the new Five-Year Plan period, the companyshould generally keep following its development strategyset for the last five-year period while making some minoradjustments in some specific aspects. Sinopec needs tospeed up its oil exploration and development in the newoilfields and the 'go international' initiative, and fulfill therelacement of strategic reserves. It also needs to reduce costin its oilfield business; continue building its sales network,expand its oil trade, acquire a greater share of the domesticmarket and increase its sales in the overseas markets. Itshould make moderate investments in the oil refinery andpetrochemical segments based upon an in-depth analysis ofthe supply and demand for refined oil and petrochemicalproducts in the global and regional markets.22U
International Petroleum Economics