用超速离心方法从感染流行性出血热(EHF)病毒的细胞培养液中浓缩和纯化了A9、Chen、76-118、R22、L99 5株病毒,对5株病毒进行的SDS-PAGE均显示了此病毒的G1、G2和NP 3个结构蛋白。3株野鼠型病毒A9、Chen、76—118株的结构蛋白分子量相同,两株家鼠型病毒R22、L99株的结构蛋白分子量相同,但两个不同血清型病毒间有所不同。用放射免疫沉淀(RIP)分析了16株EHF病毒的G2,发现存在着分子量为55kD、57kD两种不同的G2.RIP和蛋白印迹实验(Western-blot)均发现在EHF病毒中至少存在分子量分别为48kD、50kD和52kD的3种NP。根据G2、NP的分子量,可将从我国不同地区不同宿主分离的15株EHF病毒分为两型 5个亚型。
Epidemic hemorrhagic fever ( EHF ) virus strains A9, R22, L99, Chen, 76-118 were purified from infected cell cultures by ultracentrifugation. SDS -PAGE of these preparations showed three bands indicating respectively the proteins G1, G2 ( envelope glycoproteins ) and NP ( neucleo-capsid protein) . The molecular weights ( MW ) G1, G2 and NP of strains A9, Chen, 76-118, were 70, 55 and 50kD respectively, but that of strains R22, L99 were 72, 57 and 48kD respectively.The cell-associated proteins of EHF virus were analysed by RIP and Western-blot. Two kinds of G2 were found among 16 strains of EHF virus, those of the Apodemus-type virus strains was 55kD in MW, and those of the Rat-type virus strains, 57kD.Characterization of EHF virus NP was done by RIP and Western-blot. It was shown that, there were at least three kinds of NP with different MW, i.e. 50kD,48kD and 52kD respectively. Based on the MW of Gl, G2 and NP, 16 strains of EHF virus isolated from various areas and hosts, could be classified into two types with type I having G1 of 70kD and type I 72kD. The MW of G2 of type I virus was 55kD and that of NP was either 50kD ( Ia ) or 48kD(Ib). The MW of G2 of type I virus was 57kD, and their NP was either 50kD( Ⅱa), or 48kD( Ⅱb ) , or 52kd ( Ⅱc ) .
Chinese Journal of Virology
Epidemic hemorrhagic fever virus Structural proteinMolecular weight