
关于抑制素的回顾与展望 被引量:2

Inhibin:a Historical Perspective
摘要 1923年,随着生殖腺反馈调节垂体功能的概念的提出,关于抑制素的研究开始了。抑制素是一种非类固醇类物质,能够抑制垂体细胞的活性。1932年,这种物质在水状的睾丸提取物中得到证实,并被命名为抑制素。又经过了50多年的研究,到1985年,抑制素才被纯化和克隆。而直到化验技术的进步使人和动物的循环浓度得以分析,抑制素的生理活性的揭示才得以完成。本文综述抑制素的历史、生理作用及其在辅助生殖技术中的最新的应用和研究。 Inhibin research began in 1923 with the concept of gonadal feedback regulation of pituitary function, which is a kind of nonsteroidal substance that can inhibite pituitary cell activity and was identified in aqueous testicular extracts and then named inhibin in 1932.when inhibin can be purified and cloned in 1985, another 50 years had passed. Its physiological aetivity did not revealed until its density in circulation can be analyzed in humen and animals with the development of examination method. This article reviews inhibin in its history, physiological activity and its new application and study in assisted reproductive technique.
出处 《医学综述》 2006年第10期579-581,共3页 Medical Recapitulate
基金 广西医疗卫生重点科研课题(重200101)
关键词 抑制素 激素 内分泌 促性腺激素 卵泡刺激素 Inhibin Hormone Endocrine Gonadotropin Follicle-stimulating hormone
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