为了解外科常用手消毒剂的临床消毒效果,采用随机抽样和细菌检验方法进行了现场和实验室观察。结果,用含有效碘5000 mg/L的络合碘消毒液、含42.1 g/L或5000 mg/L的葡萄糖酸盐氯已定外科洗手液或氯己定乙醇洗手液以及含4500 mg/L醋酸氯已定与75%乙醇皮肤消毒剂等3种处理方法,按要求进行外科洗手消毒处理,均可使外科医生手上自然菌数平均减少99%以上。用含40g/L葡萄糖酸盐氯已定的外科洗手液与含5000 mg/L葡萄糖酸盐氯已定的70%乙醇消毒擦手液,按规定处理程序消毒处理后,手上自然菌数平均减少率为95.97%。结论,所用4种外科手消毒剂,进行外科医生手消毒处理,均可使手上自然菌减少率达到消毒要求;但各组消毒所需时间和费用不同。
In order to know the disinfection efficacy of surgical hand disinfectants in common use, random sampling and bacterial examination methods were used to carry out field and laboratory observation. Results: Surgical washing and disinfection of hands according to the requirement with 3 disinfectants, i.e. complex iodine disinfection solution containing available iodine 5000 mg/L, surgical hand -washing solution containing chlorhexidine gluconate 42, 1 g/L or 5000 mg/L or chlorhexidine in ethanol hand - washing solution and skin disinfectant containing chlorhexidine acetate 4500 mg/L and 75% ethanol, reduced the natural bacterial count on surgeons'hands by over 99%. After disinfection according to specified treatment program with surgical hand - washing solution containing chlorhexidine gluconate 40 g/L and 70% ethanol disinfection hand- wiping solution containing chlorhexidine gluconate 5000 mg/L, the natural bacterial count on hands decreased by 95.97% in average. Conclusions: Disinfection of surgeons hands with all the 4 surgical hand disinfectants can reduce the natural bacteria on hands to a level fulfilling the disinfection requirement, but the time and cost required were different for different disinfectants.
Chinese Journal of Disinfection
skin disinfectant
disinfection efficacy
natural bacteria