CPC是复合式抛物面聚焦器(Compound Parabolic Concentrator)的简称,他是1976年由A Rabl提出的。由于它自身的一些特点,CPC被广泛的用在利用太阳能方面,例如太阳能热水器。同时由于近几年LED功率的提高以及特别是大功率的白光LED的出现,LED大有取代传统光源的趋势,特别是在汽车照明中,大部分信号灯已经使用LED作为光源。同时LED的前大灯也在研究中。本文主要介绍CPC的光学特性,以及如何将其运用在LED汽车灯具设计上。
CPC is the abbreviation of Compound Parabolic Concentrator. In 1976, A Rabl invented the concept of CPC. Because its own character, CPC has been widely used for solar energy such as solar boiler. Additionally, with the development of LED technology, especially high-power white LED, LED will potentially replace the traditional light source. In vehicle lamps, LED has been widely used as the light source of signal lights. And also Headlamps based on LED has been taken into account. This paper mainly introduces the optical character of CPC and how to use it in the design of vehicle lamps.
China Illuminating Engineering Journal