

A Comparative Analysis on the Examinations of Helical CT Virtual Endoscopy and Double ontrast Barium meal to Alimentary Tract disease
摘要 目的:对照分析消化道病变螺旋CT仿真内窥镜检查与气钡双重造影和电子内窥镜检查,总结各种检查方法的优势和不足,提高胃肠道病变的检出率。方法:通过对39例病人进行螺旋CT仿真内窥镜检查,采用实时螺旋扫描,GE AW 4.0工作站后处理,设定CT阈值和进行图像切割,分别获得胃肠道的仿真内窥镜及立体剖面等3D图像,并与气钡双重造影和电子内窥镜图像相比较。结果:螺旋CT仿真内窥镜对于胃肠道腔内结构显示与电子内窥镜近似,优于气钡双重造影。在观察胃肠道腔外情况如:肿瘤有无侵犯和转移等方面,优于电子内窥镜和气钡双重造影。结论:胃肠道螺旋CT仿真内窥镜检查具有无痛、无创、快速、准确的优点,临床应用广泛。与气钡双重造影和电子内窥镜检查是相辅相成的,是CT横断面图像的重要补充。 Objective:A comparative analysis on the examinations of helical CT virtual endoscopy and double ontrast barium meal to alimentary tract disease. Methods: 39 cases were real - time helieo- scanned with electronic endoscopes, the data taken were processed with GE- AW4.0 work station,CT threshold was adjusted to cut and rebuild images, then 3D images of CTVE and cubic section in gastrointestinal tract were obtained. After that, these 3D images were compared with CTVE and double ontrast barium meal images.Results: As for the display of gastrointestinal configuration, CTVE is similar to fiber electronic endoscopy and the display of CTVE is better than it is of double ontrast barium meal in some situation. When it is to observe if it is transferred, or impinged, CTVE is batter than the latter. Conclusion: CTVE has some advantages as indolence, minimal injury, less in - ward time, and fidelity, so it can be applied in a wider range of careers and could be used as supplement to the latter and also an important supplementary to CT transect images.
出处 《农垦医学》 2005年第6期411-413,共3页 Journal of Nongken Medicine
关键词 消化道病变 螺旋CT仿真内窥镜 气钡双重造影 电子内窥镜 对照分析 Alimentary tract disease Helical CT Virtual endoscopy Double ontrast barium nmal Electronics endoscopy Comparative
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