To explore the histopathological features in chronic hepatitis D, 5 out of 120 cases of HBsAg-positive liver samples were found to be intrahepatitic HDAg-positive by direct immunof luorescence and immunoperoxidase assays. Among 5 cases, 3 had active cirrhosis, 2 cases with chronic active hepatitis. Wellmatched cases with chronic hepatitis B were used as control, Emphasis was put on similarity and difference in histopathological findings between hepatitis D and hepatitis B by light and electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. In general, focal, bridging and confluent necrosis in hepatitis D resembled that of chronic hepatitis B, but to more severe degree. Characteristic microvesicular fatty degeneration and acidophilic degeneration in chronic hepatitis B which were less conspicuous were frequently present in hepatitis D. In addition, hepatocytes containing HDAg may undergo ballooning and karyopyknosis without peri-infiltration of lymphocytes.