
十六世纪英国“王权至尊”的确立与教皇权的衰落 被引量:19

The Establishment of Royal Supremacy and the Decline of Papal Supremacy in 16^(th) Century England
摘要 “王权至尊”的确立是英国16世纪宗教改革的核心事件。它的确立直接导致“教皇权至尊”原则的衰落,削弱了教皇和教会管理社会和宗教事务的功能。在“王权至尊”确立后,英国16世纪僧俗两界的权力体系得以重组,宗教改革演变为政治变革。“王权至尊”由亨利八世创立,确立了王权在宗教和世俗世界独一无二的统治地位。“国王在议会中”使国王拥有了立法权。国王可以联手世俗立法机构直接面对教职会议并使其职能削弱,最终一身二任的国王实现了对教会的直接管理。但“王权至尊”的确立并非终局,质疑其合法性的声音从未停歇,膨胀的王权最终还得面临进一步的“被革命”。 The establishment of royal supremacy was the core of religious reform in 16^(th) century England, directly causing the decline of papal supremacy and weakening the power of the Pope and religious organizations as managers of social and religious affairs. After royal supremacy was established by Henry VIII, the religious and secular power systems were reorganized. Religious reform evolved into political reform, and the royal power was successfully made the only ruling power in both the religious and the secular world. The king obtained legislative power through the principle of “the king in parliament,”and was able to join with secular legislative agencies to directly confront and weaken the convocation. Finally, the king, exercising two roles, directly controlled the church. However, the establishment of royal supremacy was not the end of the story. It was questioned from the very beginning. What's more, expanding royal power was faced with a revolt on the part of the secular legislative agencies that were always waiting for opportunities to thoroughly secularize power.
作者 刘城
出处 《历史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第2期138-150,共13页 Historical Research
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