目的:探讨可控简易气囊加压包扎带在未来高技术条件下局部战争中大量战地伤员现场急救的可行性和优越性。方法:利用一次性输液袋替代部分敷料包扎在三角巾底部,接上血压计打气球和压力表以及肝素帽,打气加压并且控制在3~5kPa的压力。结果:该包扎带结构简单合理、操作简便,压力调节灵活方便、价格低廉、通用性强、效果明显, 同时可以应用于骨折临时固定。
Objective To explore the feasibility and superiority of the simple controllable aerocyst pressurization wrapped-up bondage for battlefield first aid in the future high teeh local war. Methods The disposable infusion bag is wrapped up in the bottom of the sling in stead of partial surgical dressing. Sphygmomanometer, pressure gauge and heparin hat are connected. Inflate and pressurize the sphygmomanometer and keep the pressure between 3kPa and 5kPa. Results The structure of this bandage is simple and can be operated easily. The pressure is controlled nimblely and conveniently. Except for the accurate effect, it is versatile and inexpensive. In addition, it can be employed in the bone fracture.
Chinese Medical Equipment Journal