

Research Of Surviveing Power For Wireless Sensor Networks
摘要 无线传感器网络是一种能量受限型网络,有效利用能量,增强网络的存活力是无线传感器网络设计的主要目标之一。提出了无线传感器网络等耗能层、节点死亡层、节点死亡系数、网络存活力、耗能场等新概念,阐述了有关多接收站接入、有线无线网络相结合的无线传感器网络存活力增强方面的研究。 Wireless sensor network is a kind of energy constrained network,.With using energy efficiently and prolonging aliving capability of network as the main design goal. In this paper, many new concept, such as equal consume energy layer of wireless sensor network' nodes, death layer of nodes, death coefficient, aliving capability of networks. consumed energy field are introduced, In addition, the research about multi-receiving station turn on the wireless sensor network which, the wired wireless network unifies to enhance the aliving capability of it, is also described.
机构地区 沈阳理工大学
出处 《传感器世界》 2006年第4期38-41,共4页 Sensor World
关键词 节点死亡系数 等耗能层 节点死亡层 传感器网络存活力 接收站 death coefficient of wireless sensor network' nodes equal consume energy layer death layer of nodes aliving capability of wireless sensor network receiving station
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