

Problems in Oil Filtering of Turbine Unit and Solving Measures
摘要 八钢热电分厂新汽轮机组启动前低压透平油系统过滤时间较长,而油中的颗粒度又难以达标,为了解决此类问题,从实践角度提出了解决方案,效果良好。 There is long filtering time of the oil system of the low-pressure turbine prior to start of the new turbine unit of the Heat Power Plant of Bayi Iron & Steel Group and the particle content in the oil can not meet the needs of the standard. In order to solve the above problems, the solving measures are raised in the view of practice, which have obtained better effects.
作者 张银地
出处 《冶金动力》 2006年第1期13-14,共2页 Metallurgical Power
关键词 低压透平油系统 颗粒度 过滤 oil system of low-pressure turbine particle conterit filtering
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