
戮力同心 决战“十一五”开局之年——在鸡西大学四届五次教代会上的工作报告

A Decisive Battle would be Carried Out with Join Hands and with One Heart at the Beginning of the Implementation for the 11th Five-Year Plan ——A Work Report Delivered in the 5th Session of the 4th Teachers' Congress of Jixi University
摘要 《工作报告》全面总结了鸡西大学在“十五”计划期所取得的光辉业绩:构筑了以“素质教育为根本、能力培养为中心、技能实训为重点”的高职教育体系,“三上两创”(上规模、上层次、上水平、创一流、创特色)战略稳步实施,“升本工程”全面启动,学校规模由千人一跃为万人以上,教学效果节节攀高、科研成果层出不穷。《工作报告》还勾勒了“十一五”计划期鸡西大学发展蓝图:建设一所崭新的鸡西大学。要建设崭新的鸡西大学,就要把“十一五”开局之年作为学校跨越式发展的起跳之年,全力以赴打好升本攻坚战,力争国家评估专家一次评估出线。 The splendid achievements made by Jixi University during the period of lOth Five -Year Plan has been summarized overall in the Work Report. The author made an overall analysis on such issues about Building of a new higher professional education system characterized by taking the quality education as the grounds , focusing on the central task of competence training and emphasizing practice cultivating. Implementation of the Three Going up and Two Setting up Strategy ( Going up in students enrolled in the college , in running school levels and in administrative levels , and setting up the top - ranking among colleges and universities, setting up a college with our own characteristic ) is carried out readily. The upgrading from junior college to university project has been started up . Teaching quality has been improving better and better , some scientific research fruits has been obtained in our college with the durative efforts made by all faculties. The author also draw an outline of the blueprint for development in Jixi University during the period of the 11 th Five - Year Plan . The goal is to set up a brand - new Jixi University in Jixi district . To achieve the goal, we have to prepare for carrying out a decisive battle for the upgrading from junior college to university project with doing our level best. In order to pass the evaluating examination for our Upgrading Project during this year made by the experts from the State Ministry of Education , it is seen as a major step to realize the great - leap - forward development goal , we should take the year 2006 as the new gaming year ( beginning year ) for completing the Upgrading Project.
作者 张金学
机构地区 鸡西大学
出处 《鸡西大学学报(综合版)》 2006年第2期6-11,共6页 JOurnal of Jixi University:comprehensive Edition
关键词 鸡西大学 教代会 工作报告 “十一五”计划 Jixi University Teachers'Congress Work report The llth Five-Year Plan for development
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