
文化因素对顾客评价服务质量影响的实证研究 被引量:3

An Empirical Study of Cultural Factor's Influences on Customers' Evaluation of Service Quality
摘要 服务质量水平是由顾客对服务的期望和感知之间的差异决定的。具有不同文化价值取向的顾客对相同的服务产生不同的期望和感知,进而对服务质量水平评价不同。本文借鉴Hofst-ede的文化维度和SERVQUAL方法,构建文化服务质量指数(CSQI),对某代表性服务行业的顾客进行了实证调研,根据CSQI的统计和顾客对服务质量评价的结果,把服务行业的顾客分为四类。针对同样的服务,具有权力距离大与集体主义相结合的价值倾向的满足型顾客对服务质量水平评价最高,具有权力距离小与个人主义相结合的价值倾向的挑剔型顾客的评价最低,而权力居中与集体主义相结合的价值倾向的响应型顾客和权力居中与个人主义相结合的价值倾向的顾客(疑惑型)的评价水平一般,但后两类顾客占总数的比例很大,说明大部分顾客的文化价值取向都具有这些特点,他们对服务质量的评价具有代表性。 Service quality depends on the difference between customers' expectations and perceptions of the service. Faced up with the same service, customers with different cultural orientation have different expectations and perceptions which will cause different evaluation. Based on the Hofstede's cultural dimensions and SERVQUAL, the paper constructs CSQI and applies it to the empirical survey of Chinese customers. There are four types of customers: satisfactory, fastidious, uncertain and responding ones. The satisfactory customers with large distance of power and collective cultural orientation evaluate the service the best, and the fastidious with small distance of power and individual cultural orientation evaluate the service the worst, and the uncertain and the responding both have middle cultural orientation and have moderate evaluation. The article concludes that seventy-six percent Chinese customers belong to the last two and that is the typical evaluation of the service.
作者 柴盈 韦福祥
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期62-67,共6页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 天津市哲学社科基金项目(TJ03GL003)
关键词 文化因素 顾客评价服务质量 文化价值 服务业 cultural factors SERVQUAL service quality
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