
文山红柱兰快速繁殖技术的研究 被引量:5

Rapid Propagation of Cymbidium wenshanense Y.S.Wu et F.Y.Liu
摘要 文山红柱兰授粉后180天的种子具有较高的萌发率,且1/3MS培养基显著优于其他基本培养基;基本培养基中添加10%的椰乳有利于种子的萌发;茎尖在MS+NAA0.3+BA3.0(单位:mg/L,下同)+椰乳10%的培养基上诱导产生原球茎的几率最高;原球茎在MS+NAA0.1+BA0.5的培养基上增殖,同时部分分化成芽;幼芽在附加5%香蕉汁和5%马铃薯汁的1/2 MS培养基上诱导出根而再生完整小植株。 A rapid propagation method of Cymbidium wenshanense through in vitro culture of seeds and shoot tips is described in this paper . The germination capacity of young seed is very low but become prominently higher when it reaches six months old. Although seeds could germinate on basic medium, adding of coconut milk to the medium clearly stimulats the germination of seed. After germination, the embryos developed into Protocorm - like bodies( PLBs), which later multiplicate and differentiate into leaves and roots, and form complete plantlet. It takes more than seven months for seeds to develop into plantlets after sowing. PLBs are induced from shoot tip explants in MS medium supplemented with NAA 0 . 1 mg/L, BA 3.0 mg/L and with coconut milk 10%. PLBs multiplicate in MS medium supplemented with NAA 0.1 mg/L and BA 0.5 mg/L. Plantlets are induced from PLBs in the media without hormone. Roots are induced in 1/2 MS medium supplemented with 5% banana juice and 5 % potato juice.
出处 《文山师范高等专科学校学报》 2005年第3期225-226,共2页 Journal of Wenshan Teachers College
关键词 兰属 文山红柱兰 种子 茎尖 组织培养 快速繁殖 Cymbidium Cymbidium wenshanense seeds shoot tips tissue culture rapid propagation
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