
通过学习教育促进“长效机制”建立 开拓进取永葆共产党员先进性

Promoting the Establishment of ″the Long-termed System″ Through Educational Campaign Maintaining ″the Advanced Natured of the CPC Members″ Forever Enterprisingly
摘要 按照上级统一部署和要求,保持共产党员先进性教育活动,我院于8月20日全面启动,历经了“学习动员、分析评议、整改提高”三个阶段。我们坚持立足学院、单位和党员个人实际,以提高“执行力”抓落实为切入点,以促提高求实效为落脚点,按照抓严“规定动作”、抓实“自选动作”、抓好“创新工作”的思路,坚持边学边议,边议边改,边改边做,将保持共产党员先进性教育活动与以教学改革为重点的各项工作紧密结合起来,积极探索“保持共产党员先进性的长效机制”与新形势下加强和改进学校党建、思想政治工作及“两课”教学的新路子,推进党的思想、组织、作风建设,为学院的改革发展提供强有力的保证。先进性教育活动的健康发展,使全院广大党员和群众切实感受到了教育活动带来的新气象,全院上下谋求跨越式发展、构建和谐校园的积极性、主动性和创造性进一步增强,各项工作呈现出前所未有的良好态势。 Based on the uniform arrangement of the superior, the full - scale educational campaign "Maintaining the Advanced Nature of the CPC Members" began in August 20th in our college, during which three stages "Studying and Mobilization; Analyzing and Evaluation; Rectifying and Improvement" were carried out successively. These principles have always impenetrated in the process of this campaign: based on the practice of our collegn and our the CPC members; aiming at improving the administerial ability, basing ourselves upon practical effects; guided by the llne of thinkine being strict with "compulsory exeroise", "optional exercise" as well as "innovation work", in the form of studying, discussion, amendment and practical performance, We combined the campaign with our teaching reform, exploring how to promoting the establishment of "the Long- termed System" together with strengthening and improving the construction of the CPC, idealistic and political work as well as the new way of"Two Courses" teaching, pushing forward the Party's idealistic, urbanizing and style construction, hence it provides a forceful gnarantee for the reforming and development of our college. The healthy progrees of the campaign bririgs a flesh air into our college, each the CPC member as well as the common masses. There is an excellent situation of development: all the teaching staffs are striving for the spanning development, building a harmonious school campus with the highest affirmation, initiation and innovation.
作者 李旭兰
出处 《潍坊教育学院学报》 2005年第4期3-8,22,共7页 Journal of Weifang Educational College
关键词 共产党员 先进性教育活动 长效机制 分析评议 党建工作 跨越式发展 和谐校园 潍坊教育学院 Maintain the Advanced Nature of the CPC Members New Atmosphere Explore Long-termed System
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