钽铌矿尾砂是提取稀有金属钽、铌后的工业废渣,它由长石、石英和锂云母混合组成。由于它的化学成分中含有锂、铍、镓等稀有元素,作为矿物原料引入玻璃成份中,给玻璃生产带来一定的好处,如减少纯碱用量降低成本,降低玻璃的熔制温度减少能耗,提高制品的理化性能。 尾砂成分中还含有锰、铜、镍、磷和氟等有害元素。由于它的化学组成复杂,波动范围较广,相互之间干扰严重,故给分析工作带来一定的困难。加之没有成熟的分析方法,又无分析标准,有关尾砂的分析资料又特别少,更增加了分析工作的难度。
In order to make use of tantalum-niobium tailings for producing glass so as to cut production cost and improve physical and chemical properties of glass products, and to solve enviromental pollution problems caused by the tailings at the same time, the analytical method of tantalum-niobium tailings was investigated. A systematic analytical method for deter-ming chemical composition of the tailings was proposed, in which KOH-alcohol was used to melt tailings sample, the filtered liquid was secondary-dehydrates by HC1 after acid-treatment and used for systematic analysis after the separation and analysis of SiO2 by gravimetry. All the interference factors during analysis have been discussed. This paper can be referred by those factories in which tantalum-niobium tailings are being used.
Glass & Enamel