
联合方式划分/交通分配模型的扩展和修正研究 被引量:7

Extension and modification of the combined model of model split and traffic assignment
摘要 针对进行包括城市轨道交通在内的多方式(两种以上)交通需求预测时,方式划分和交通分配阶段模型存在参数不一致的问题,考虑各种交通方式在路网中的相互影响关系,提出一种交通方式分类方法。在此基础上,建立基于非集计模型的、多方式的、联合方式划分/交通分配的扩展模型,并给出该模型的等价性和解的唯一性证明及解法,最后通过一个算例验证模型的有效性。结果表明:提出的模型不仅能够满足三种及以上交通方式并存的网络的交通需求预测,而且能够有效地解决交通方式划分/交通分配两阶段参数不一致的问题。 When forecasting the traffic demands of multiple modes of transportation, including urban rail transit, inconsistencies often exist between the model parameters of model split and traffic assignment. A classification method of traffic modes, which considered the interrelationships among various traffic models as well as their interactions, is presented. Based on this classification method, an expanded combined model split and traffic assignment model of multinomial modes is established, which contains the disaggregate model. The corresponding identification and algorithm are also provided. An example calculation is employed to verify the model. The results indicate that the model can not only satisfactorily forecast traffic demand including three kinds of traffic modes, but also can solve the inconsistency problem of the parameters at the stages of model split and traffic assignment.
机构地区 北京工业大学
出处 《土木工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期116-120,共5页 China Civil Engineering Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金(50478041) 北京自然科学基金(8053019)
关键词 城市轨道交通 交通需求预测 联合模型 非集计模型 urban rail transit traffic demand forecast combined model disaggregate model
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