

Resonance characteristics of high-temperature superconducting microstrip antennas
摘要 传输线模型是分析微带天线的一种最简单的方法,但其未将导体的特性参数考虑到天线的分析中去,针对这一缺点,为研究超导体的表面阻抗对高温超导微带天线输入阻抗和谐振频率的影响,把导体特性对天线的影响看作一种微扰来处理,对传统的传输线模型进行了修正,并通过与谱域矩量法相比较,验证了修正后方法的有效性。进而利用修正后的方法计算分析了高温超导矩形微带贴片天线的输入阻抗和谐振频率,给出了关于高温超导微带天线输入阻抗和谐振频率的若干结论。 Though transmission line model is the simplest method for analyzing microstrip antennas, the characteristic parameters of conductor is not considered in the model. To study the effect of surface impedance of superconductors on input impedance and resonant frequency of hlgh-temperature superconducting microstrip antennas, the characteristic parameter of conductor is treated as a perturbation and the traditional transmission line model is modified. The validity of the modified model is proved through the comparison with the spectral domain moment method, and the input impedance and resonant frequency of a rectangular high-temperature superconducting microstrip antenna are analyzed and some conclusions are obtained.
出处 《电波科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期244-248,共5页 Chinese Journal of Radio Science
关键词 高温超导体 表面阻抗 输入阻抗 谐振频率 传输线模型 微扰 high-temperature superconductor, surface impedance, input impedance, resonant frequency, transmission line model, perturbation
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