
世界技术纺织品市场状况 被引量:2

ets for Technical Textiles
摘要 “技术纺织品”包含与终端市场有关的多个系列加工活动。这个行业的产品既包括揩布等日常用品,也包括心脏瓣膜、航天复合材料和建筑用织物等特殊产品。衔接纤维生产商与用户市场的供应链是一个很长、很复杂的供应链,它包含了从纤维生产商到纱线和织物生产商以及染整厂、加工厂和制造商等大、小企业。这些企业都将技术纺织品纳入他们的产品范围或将它们作为所经营业务的一个基本部分。所有技术纺织品应用、生产活动和企业的共性是利用纤维(通常是加工成纤维、纱线和织物的形式)提供特定的技术性能,来满足最终用户或市场的需求.无论是作为最终产品,还是作为其它产品的组成部分。 'Technical textiles' comprises a diverse range of manufacturing activities tied to broad end-use markets. The industry embraces products ranging from the mundane to the spectacular. The supply chain that connects fiber producers with end-use markets is a long and complex One. It embraces companies vast and small from fiber producers through yarn and fabric manufacturers, finishers, converters, and fabricators who incorporate technical textiles into their own products or use them as an essential part of their business operations. The article first introduces the scope of technical textiles, their applications and growth of technical textiles in recent years, and then it analyzes the major markets for technical textiles including Russia, China, the United States and Brazil.
出处 《纺织导报》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第5期26-28,30-31,共5页 China Textile Leader
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  • 2An Assessment of US Comparative Advantage in Technical Textiles from a Trade Perspective; Ting Chi,Peter Kilduff,Carl Dyer;(Authors are with the Department of Textile Products Design and Marketing,University of North Carolina at Greensboro,Greensboro,NC 27402,USA);Journal of Industrial Textiles; http://jit.sagepub.com.
  • 3"Centre seeks more focus on technical textiles";Regional Bureau,Surat;Saturday,January 7,2006; Business-Standard(Daily News Paper);http://www.business-standard.com.
  • 4"The North Carolina Textiles Project:An Initial Report.";Conway,Connolly,Field and Longman; Vol.3,Issue 3,Fall 2003;Journal of Textile and Apparel,Technology and Management.
  • 5World Markets for Woven Textiles and Apparel:Forecasts to 2010;Textiles Intelligence;01-May-2005;www.MarketResearch.com.
  • 6"The third Wave";Wu Qi;February 2004;Nonwovens Report International.
  • 7Global Technical Textiles Business Update:2nd Quarter 2005;Sep 2005,Textiles Intelligence;http://www.researchandmarkets.com.
  • 8Global Technical Textiles Business Update;Technical Textile Markets; Textile Markets;Issue 62,3rd quarter 2005;http://www.textilesintelligence.com.
  • 9"Buying Spree" June 2004,Textile Asia.
  • 10Editorial:China:A Growing Market for Western Technical Textiles?;Technical Textile Markets; Issue 62,3rd quarter 2005;http://www.textilesintelligence.com.


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