现代文学博物馆将在德国剧作家席勒(Friedrich Schiller)逝世第200周年纪念日那天完工并正式对外开放。该博物馆位于马尔巴赫的风景公园.站在公园的一块岩石高地上.可以俯瞰到内卡河风景如画的山谷。作为席勒的出生地.这个城镇公园里已经建立了德国文学档案馆.席勒国家博物馆和一座席勒的纪念碑.而这座新型的现代文学博物馆又将很快将矗立在它们周围。
This museum, which will be completed and officially opened on the 200th anniversary year of German dramatist Friedrich Schiller's death, is located in Marbach's scenic park, on top of a rock plateau overlooking the picturesque valley of the Neckar River. As the birthplace of Schiller, the town's park already holds the German Literature Archive, the National Schiller Museum, and a monument to the writer, immediately alongside which the new museum will stand.