恩斯丁(Ernsting)服务中心大楼位于科伊丝费尔德-莱特(Coesfeld-Lette)市的一个小城镇.刚好在德国北莱茵-威斯特法伦州(Nordrhein-Westfalen)地区的明斯特市西部.是德国服装零售商恩斯丁(Ernsting)的新总部。此大楼被设计在一片未开垦的工地上.整个建筑大楼矗立在现有的两座配送中心旁边.其中一座是由建筑师法比欧·雷因哈特(Fabio Reinhart)和布鲁诺·雷克林(Bruno Reichlin)在20世纪80年代设计.
This building, located in the small town of Coesfeld-Lette, just west of Mü nster in Germany's Nordrhein-Westfalen region, is the new headquarters for the German clothing retailer Ernsting. Designed on a greenfield site, the structure stands alongside two existing distribution centres, one of which was designed by Fabio Reinhart and Bruno Reichlin in the 80s and the other by Schilling Architects in the late 90s.