
利用孕妇血浆中胎儿DNA检测胎儿血型的意义 被引量:3

Significance of Using Fetal DNA in Maternal Plasma for Prenatal Diagnosis of Fetal ABO Blood Types
摘要 目的:探讨利用孕妇血浆中胎儿DNA检测胎儿ABO血型的临床意义。方法:从33例13-40周可疑母儿血型不合的孕妇血浆中提取胎儿DNA,利用复合PCR-RFLP技术检测胎儿ABO血型。通过出生后脐带血血清学检测证实。结果:33例样本中,检出22例(22/33),出生后证实20例诊断正确(20/22);14例孕中期检出9例(9/14),8例正确(8/9);19例孕晚期检出13例(13/19)),12例正确(12/13)。结论:利用孕妇血浆中的胎儿DNA诊断胎儿ABO血型简便无损伤,对于诊断和预防新生儿溶血病的发生具有重要意义。 Objective: To explore the clinic significance of using fetal DNA in maternal plasma for prenatal diagnosis of fetal ABO blood types. Methods: The DNA template was extracted from 33 maternal plasma specimens (13-40 weeks) who were doubtful of maternal-fetal incompatibility of ABO blood group. The fetal ABO blood types were assayed by means of multiplex PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphism(PCR-RFLP). Results: Among the 33 specimens, blood groups were detected in 22 cases, in which 20 cases were confirmed accurate through serological measure of fetal umbilic blood after birth. Nine in fourteen cases' blood groups were detected in the second trimester and eight cases were accurately diagnosed. Among the 19 cases of the late pregnancy, 13 cases were detected and 12 cases diagnosed right. Conclusion: The method of using fetal DNA in maternal plasma for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of fetal ABO blood type is simple and noninvasive, and significant to diagnose and prevent hemolytic disease of newborns.
出处 《武汉大学学报(医学版)》 CAS 2006年第3期396-398,共3页 Medical Journal of Wuhan University
基金 湖北省人口和计划生育委员会资助项目(项目编号:2003-3)
关键词 孕妇血浆 胎儿DNA ABO血型 无创性产前诊断 Maternal Plasma Fetal DNA ABO Blood Types Non-invasive Prenatal Diagnosis
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