
紫茎泽兰生长发育过程中糖、激素、单宁、黄酮的变化(英文) 被引量:7

Sugar,phytohormone,tannins and flavonoids changes during the growth and development of Eupatorium adenophorum
摘要 采用高效液相和分光光度法对紫茎泽兰不同发育阶段(种子,芽,幼苗和成株)糖、激素、单宁及总黄酮含量差异进行了研究。结果表明:不同糖类的变化。紫茎泽兰的葡萄糖含量以芽最高,为6.93%;而种子(0.16%)、幼苗(1.27%)、成株(1.07%)均明显低于芽阶段;同样,紫茎泽兰中蔗糖含量芽较高,为2.68%,而种子(0.32%)、幼苗(0.52%)、成株(0.09%)均明显低于芽阶段。果糖含量的变化,最大值也是在芽阶段(3.28%),其次为种子阶段(2.56%),而种子和成株阶段均很低(0.14%和0.55%)。测定中,海藻糖、棉子糖、甘露糖的含量差别很大,仅种子阶段测定出3种糖的含量,结果表明差别不大,依次为0.04%、0.04%、0.03%。激素类的变化。在不同发育阶段,紫茎泽兰芽阶段吲哚乙酸(IAA)含量较高,达到14.20μg.g-1Dw,比种子阶段高1.25μg.g-1Dw,是幼苗的1.63倍,成株阶段的5.55倍。紫茎泽兰赤霉素(GA)含量在不同发育阶段存在着明显的差异,而且种子的GA含量(901.11μg.g-1Dw)明显高于芽、幼苗和成株阶段,而以芽和幼苗阶段含量最低,分别为97.35和84.29μg.g-1Dw,成株阶段略高于芽和幼苗阶段,为280.50μg.g-1Dw。单宁类的变化:紫茎泽兰单宁变化差异明显,紫茎泽兰种子中单宁含量为1.98%,明显高于芽、幼苗和成株阶段(<0.30%);总黄酮类的变化:紫茎泽兰总黄酮含量在发育过程中呈不断上升趋势。紫茎泽兰种子中总黄酮含量很微弱,为0.04%,而芽、幼苗和成株阶段的紫茎泽兰总黄酮含量均明显高于种子阶段,并且这3个阶段之间含量差别不大,分别为(0.60%、0.64%、0.62%)。这些结果说明,糖、激素、单宁及总黄酮含量与植物生长发育的基本规律和代谢过程的调控密切相关。 The differences of sugar, phytohormone, tannins and total flavonoids in Eupartorium adenophorum at different developmental stage were studied, employing the HPLC and the spectrophotometric methods. The results showed that: the content of glucose is the highest in the sprout (6. 93 % ), however,in the seed (0. 16% ) ,seedling (1.27%) ,adult (1.07%) are obviously lower than that at the stage of sprouts. Alike,the content of sucrose is rather high in sprout which is as high as 2. 68% ,and followed by in seed (0. 32% ) ,seedling (0. 52% ) ,adult (0. 09% ). The maximum fructose is also observed in the sprout stage (3.28%) and followed by seedling stage (2. 56% ),seed (0. 14% ) and adult stage (0. 55 % ). The content of fructose, raffinose, mannose differs significantly, i. e. these three kinds of sugar are detectable only at seedling stage ( respectively 0. 04%, 0. 04% and 0. 03% ) but no obvious difference. At the developmental stage of E. adenophorum, the content of IAA at the stages of sprout ( 14. 20 μg · g^-1 Dw) is 1.25μg · g^-1 Dw higher than that in seed ,while it is respectively 1.63 times,5.55 times higher than that of seedling and adult. GA is also varied with developmental stage. The content of GA at seedling stage (901.11μg · g^-1 Dw), sprout (97.35μg · g^-1 Dw) of tannins is obvious in development of E. adenophorun.The tannins content of seed is obviously higher than that of the sprout,seedling and developmental stages ( 〈0. 03% ) by 1.98% ; The content of total flavonoids increases linearity during the developmental progress. The content of flavonoids in seed is as low as 0. 04%, adult (0. 62% ) while much higher values are observed at the sprout (0. 60% ) ,seedling (0. 64% ) and stages and there are no differences among these three stages. Our results indicate that the content of sugar, phytohormone, tannins and total flavonoids is in correlation to the basic rule of plant growth and development, also to regulation in metabolism process.
出处 《植物研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期349-355,共7页 Bulletin of Botanical Research
基金 SupportedbytheStateKeyBasicResearchandDevelopmentPlanofChina(G19990160)
关键词 紫茎泽兰 激素 单宁 黄酮 Eupatorium adenophorum sugar phytohormone tannins flavonoids
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