嵌入式系统在数码产品、智能家电、工业控制等领域有着广泛的应用。该系统的开发需要在特定的嵌入式操作系统之上进行应用软件的设计。以ARM平台上移植的μC/OS-II开源实时操作系统上数字音频系统开发为例,介绍了基于IIS(lnter-IC soundbus)总线的嵌入式音频系统的体系结构与设计。深入讨论了实时操作系统的任务间通信/同步通信、内存管理设计技巧等问题。该设计方案可广泛应用于手持式多媒体中。
Embedded system has been widely applied in digital products, intelligent electrical home appliances as well as industrial control areas. To develop the system, the application software was designed under the specific embedded operation system. With developing the digital audio frequency system based on C/OS-Ⅱ open real time operation system transplant from ARM platform as an example, the architecture and design of an IIS based embedded audio processing system were introduced. Some problems in real time operation system, e.g. communication among tasks/synchronous communication, design techniques of memory management, were deeply discussed. The design strategy is able to be widely used in hand held multimedia applications.
Process Automation Instrumentation