
一种多分量LFM信号脉内调制特征的提取方法 被引量:2

A Method for Extraction of Intra-pulse-modulation Characteristics of Multi-component LFM Signal
摘要 本文提出以多分量LFM信号的时频分布作为图像,利用Hough变换检测图像中直线的原理,将多分量LFM信号脉内特征的提取转换为在参数空间寻找局部最大值及其坐标的问题,通过查找表的方式和对最大峰值邻域进行截取,依次实现对各分量的脉内特征提取。仿真实验表明,该方法能够有效地提取多分量LFM信号各自分量的脉内特征,具有较高的抗噪声性能,且对交叉项有一定的抑制作用。 An improved method for extraction of multi-component LFM signal intra-pulse-modulation is introduced. Characteristics is presented, in which the time-frequency distribution of the multi-component LFM signal is regarded as an image. Then based on the principle of detecting the line of Hough transform, every component of signal intra-pulse-modulation characteristics extraction is carried out by searchiiag the local peak values and their corresponding coordinates in the image, in the way of looking up table and intercepting the field close to the local peak values. The simulation results show that the method is not only effective in extracting every component intra-pulse-modulation characteristics of multi-component LFM signal, but also good at reducing noise and suppressing cross-term interference.
机构地区 空军雷达学院
出处 《电子信息对抗技术》 2006年第3期11-15,共5页 Electronic Information Warfare Technology
关键词 多分量LFM信号 时频分布 HOUGH变换 脉内特征 multi-component LFM signal time-frequency distribution Hough transform intra-pulse characteristics
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