

The social transform of England during the rule of Edward I
摘要 爱德华一世统治时期英格兰发生了深刻的社会变革。经济上,全国性税收体制的确立使封建政府有了稳定的收入来源;军事上,不断的征战促使封建骑士兵役制向契约制,骑兵制向步兵制的转变;政治制度上,议会在战争期间批准国王征税的权力最终使之作为一种代议机制确立下来,并奠定了近代以来英国政体的基础。这一系列变化既是中世纪鼎盛时期英国历史发展的表现与结果,同时也为近代英国奠定了各方面的基础。 During the rule of Edward I, the deep social transform has taken place in England. Economically, the establishment of the system of the nationwide tax reveuue made that the feudal government had steady source of revenue. Militarily, the constant fight impelled the transition from feudal knight' s system of military service to the agreement, the cavalryman to the infantry. At the political system, during the wars the king levied taxes must be permitted by parliament made it came down to establish finally as a Representative system and the feunclarion of the British political system since modem times. These changes were behavior and result of Britain's historical development of Middie Ages, settled various foundation for modem Britain at the same time.
作者 陈金锋
出处 《北方论丛》 北大核心 2006年第3期104-106,共3页 The Northern Forum
关键词 爱德华一世 社会变革 议会 Edward I social transfonn parliament
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