
变态反应性疾病患儿猫、狗上皮的变应原反应性及抗原交叉性 被引量:1

Reactivity and Antigenic Cross - Reactivity of Cat Fur or Dog Fur in Children with Allergic Disorders
摘要 目的探讨猫、狗上皮变应原与临床的相关性,以及与其他变应原的交叉反应性。方法采用国际标准化的变应原试剂13种,利用变应原皮肤点刺试验,对548例变态反应疾病患儿进行检测。结果判定以变应原试剂所致的皮肤红晕或风团的大小为标准,并以组胺液(1g/L)作为阳性对照,生理盐水作为阴性对照。结果猫上皮变应原皮试呈阳性143例。男98例,女 45例;平均5.84岁。狗上皮变应原皮试呈阳性96例。男60例,女36例;平均6.06岁。夏秋季发病最多。并变态反应疾病最多为哮喘,其次是单纯咳嗽。猫和狗上皮变应原皮试均呈阳性64例。与其他变应原交叉反应性:螨虫>乳>动物蛋白>霉菌>花粉>杂草。结论儿童变态反应人群中约20%患儿猫、狗上皮变应原皮试呈阳性反应;与年龄和季节有一定关系;此外,猫、狗上皮与其他变应原存在着广泛抗原交叉性。 Objective To explore the relationship between cat fur or dog fur allergens and clinical presentation, as well as allergenic cross - reactivity between cat fur or dog fur allergens and other allergens. Methods Totally 548 children with allergic disorders were as sayed with 13 international standard allergen agents by means of SPT. The results were denominated according to the size of skin areola or welt, reference histamine as positive, isotonic Na chloride as negative. Results In 143 children with cat fur allergenic SPT position, 98 eases were boys and 45 cases were girls with an average age of 5.84 years. In 96 children with dog fur allergenic SPT positive, 60 cases were boys and 36 eases were girls with an average age of 6.06 years. The most had occurred in summer. Of them, a large number of cases presented asthma, secondly presented mild cough. Besides, the cross - reactivity of cat fur and dog fur allergenic SPT positive in 64 cases with aearid was most common, followed by latex, which exceeded animal protein, while the cross reactivity of mold, plant farina and chomophyte allergens were rare. Conclusions About 20% children with allergic disorders are cat fur or dog fur allergenic SPT positive. Cat fur or dog fur allergenic SPT positive results are significantly correlative to age and season, however they are not relative. to sex. Cat fur or dog fur allergens exist correlations with other allergens.
出处 《实用儿科临床杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第10期615-616,636,共3页 Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics
关键词 上皮 变应原 交叉反应 变态反应性疾病 小儿 cat dog fur allergens crossreactions
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